You are here: Reservation Interfaces > ResPAK Interface > Settings – ResPAK

Settings – ResPAK

Sessions must be created within ResPAK.

If a table is accessed in Idealpos outside of a session time created in ResPAK, items will not be sent to the Table.

If a table is unable to be saved, you will see a message in the Log File as “Cannot Determine Meal Period”.


Button Configuration

‘Entrée, Main, Dessert Away’ buttons in POS relates to ‘Entrée, Main, Dessert Served’ function in ResPAK

‘Bill Print’ button in POS relates to the ‘Check Printed’ function in ResPAK.

‘Pay All’ button in POS relates to the ‘Check Paid’ function in ResPAK.


Areas/Revenue Centre’s

Any Table Map that has been created in Idealpos must be created as an Area/Revenue Centre in ResPAK.

The Table Map Code used in Idealpos must match the RVC used in ResPAK.




The same Port must be used in both Idealpos and ResPAK.

This allows for communication between Idealpos and ResPAK.



Other Details

When using ResPAK there are some points that must be adhered to or it will not work: